Busyness to business

Busy work may be a universal problem plaguing most industries and companies. But the solution to reducing it is probably as unique as the people, products and places involved with your business. That’s to say, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The strategy that works best for you or a particular employee may not be a catch-all.

Busyness does not make you money, business does. Are you running a busyness or business?

To solve the problem, start by defining the type of busy work you or your employees are engaging in day after day. Next, consider the reason why those busy work habits took root in the first place. Then review the strategies above and select the ones that make the most sense for the issue you’re trying to fix. As the company’s owner, you’re best positioned to reduce busy work and get your team back on track, working together toward achieving the goals of your core business.