11 Nov

Small decision creates a huge difference

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Every day, I eat an apple. From time to time, I miss a day. But that’s rare. I like a good apple. Eating an apple every day isn’t a big decision for me; it’s quite small in fact. However, this small decision repeated daily can make a big difference in my health. Also, when combined with other small decisions I make daily, it adds up.

Every day, we make many decisions, some big, some medium, and most small. Out of those small decisions, some are, for all intense and purpose, inconsequential: the clothes you choose to wear. Other of these small decisions appear inconsequential, but they can make a big difference—in the long run.

Of these small decisions, what you decide to ingest in your body and your mind might be the most insidious ones—perhaps along with the way you decide to spend your money and your time.

The person who, instead of eating an apple a day, decides to eat one serving of French fries every day, is making a small decision that leads to a very different destination.

Eating an apple a day is but one of the small decisions I make every day.

Every day, I read. Every day, I write. Every day, I…

The power of those small decisions lies in the fact their effects accumulate over time. What may seem inconsequential in isolation can have far-reaching consequences when examined as a whole, just like a puny locus isn’t that threatening on its own, but can be deadly when in a swarm of locusts. You might slap a locus that comes near you, but you’ll run if it’s in a swarm.

Purchase a couple of iTunes songs here and a couple of iTunes songs there, and before you know it, your credit card is maxed out. Small decisions. Big difference.

Eat only one chocolate bar today and another bar tomorrow and another bar the next day, and the next… Small decisions. Big difference.

Save Rs.100 today, and another Rs.100 tomorrow, and another Rs.100 the next day, and the next… Small decisions. Big difference.

From time to time, it’s good practice to put your “small decisions” under the magnifier, to determine whether these, when repeated over time, will serve you or if, by making these choices, you’re assembling a swarm of locusts will turn on you and attack you.

When you see a small tear in a piece of clothing, you know that if you do nothing about it, with time, little by little, the tear will get bigger and the piece of clothing will be ruined. Some of the life challenges we face, we called on ourselves. How? With time, little by little, one small decision after another.

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